Here we are in a middle of an election, full of talk about dollars and no common sense.
The war has taken a back page to profits of the crooks that run this country.
Money is always more important than the value of human life. Our kids are still being murdered and maimed, yet these a-holes that are making promises that they can not keep are begging us to vote for them.
People are saying this is the most important election of our generation, Bull shit, the election of 2000 was the most important and we the people fucked it up.
Look at everything that has happened in the past 8 years, and now we have ass holes pleading that they are not the same?
We have to bail out billionaires, so they can drive their SLR to and from a hookers domain.
Yes this is what these fuckers are riding around with on our dime, we pay the politicians to do a job and their greed keeps sucking us dry, now their friends need a handout and they open up our pockets to them. Where does it fucking end?
We as the people have a right to determine what is done with our money, and what to do with the crooked pricks that steal our money. But with the table always fixed, we do not stand a chance.
Bloom-God wants another term because we are in financial criss, where was he for the past 8 years. Why is there still a fucking hole down on Rector street?
We have 2 new stadiums opening in a few months and countless sky rises up since 2001 and we still have a fucking hole in wall street. He should be ashamed, sure he rose the tax on cigarettes, but where did that go?
Each and everyone of these mother fuckers should not be allowed to run for any office without a PSE test, and once there is any suspicion or question of their said services then the people should have a panel, ran by the people to investigate, not the friends of the crooked bastards.
The Panel of The People!
You want us to pay for your survival, then it's about time you start to answer to us!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Where does it end.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Is God Gay?
Before you all start jumping on me, the title of the post had a nice ring to it.
I could have used is God a dominatrix, or is he a she or is he or a serial killer.
The point of this post is that I find so many threads and posts in blogs with God as it's topic.
I have started to wonder myself what God really is. If we are created in God's image than every trait that us humans have, has had to come from God himself. Those who write and rewrite the books through history make adjustments to these writing to satisfy their own selfish desires, or to create loop holes into heaven or hell.
Man in general are just greedy little bastards that just want more and more and more.
If you have something, there is always someone else out that that will come along and take it. Like Adam taking Eve under the apple tree. I'd like to see that on U Tube.
If God didn't want her to eat the fucking apple, why put it there? Because we are created in his mold, and he dos not trust himself.
I don't want to hear our whole life is nothing but a test, a way to prepare for the Pearly Gates. It's a sick logic we all live by, a Christian can murder and rape his whole life and just before they juice him, he can repent and enter heaven. You know the place where all is mellow and the after life runs smooth and care free. But a guy who jumps to his deaths automatically loses the key to these gates and has to go down south where all the other jumpers end up. You know, where the bars are open 24 /7/365 and all sin runs rampart for those who still want to have a good time.
The point that I bring out here is, who made these rules, who the fuck decided where I go when I am dead, an that the shit stuff we do are all caused the the the guy called Satan, up until we repent. Give me a fucking break, the hypocrisy of man and their views on how to cheat in life are all bullshit in every religion.
Some believe that God only created us, who built the fucking stars out there? The other planets and the rest of matter that exists. That is how fucked up we are, that we would think that God has only time for us.
So If God is in all of us I have to ask. Is God Gay?
Posted by
8:31 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hacked Again?
Sorry if the elements of the layout are missing or out of whack at the moment, but it seems our server got hacked once again.
Someone out there just hates us for some reason. We had to make some adjustments here because our CSS and scripting was on our server. We'll be making the needed adjustments as soon as possible, so please bare with us.
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Posted by
10:11 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cookies and Milk
A five-year-old boy and his grandfather are sitting on the front porch
together, when grandpa pulled a beer out of the cooler. The little boy
asked, "Grandpa, can I have a beer?"
Grandpa replied, "Can your pecker touch your ass?" The little boy
answered, "No Grandpa, it's just a little pecker! Grandpa said, "Then
you're not man enough to have a beer."
A little later Grandpa lit up a cigar. The little boy asked, "Grandpa,
can I have a cigar?"
Once again, Grandpa asked, "Can your pecker touch your ass?" The little
boy answered "no," again. Grandpa said, "Then you're not man enough to
have a cigar
A little later, the boy came out of the house with some cookies and
Grandpa asked, "Can I have a cookie?" The boy asked, "Can your pecker
touch your ass?" Grandpa replied, "Hell yeah, my pecker can touch my
The boy replied, "Then go fuck yourself! Grandma made these for me."
Posted by
7:37 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Predictions 2008
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are involved in a head on collision and end up deformed for life.
Angelina Jolie will leave Brad Pitt for George Clooney
Jay Leno will suddenly retire due to illness within his family
Jessica Alba with give birth to twin boys
Johnny Depp wins a Oscar
Lindsay Lohan finds God and starts to turn her life around
The Beckmans move back to Europe
Wesley Snipes pays the federal goverment $1.00 in back taxes
Steven Spielberg starts production on ET part 2
Nicole Kidman enters rehab
Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld start to work on a new TV pilot together
Tom Cruise has a nervous breakdown
Dr. Phil McGraw gets sued by Britney Spears for defamation of character
The New York Knicks win 30 games
Bush and Cheney are charged with crimes aganist humanity.
The 911 commsion wil be re grouped and a new investigation will proceed
Rudy Giuliani will divorce and have a mental breakdown
Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston are arrested for drug smuggling
Sean Penn wins oscar for best director
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover remake Lethal Weapon and it bombs
Writers Strike finally ends after 266 days
Posted by
7:44 AM
Welcome To The News Maze
so I could get off my chest shit that racks my nerves in the news. Between the media, the politicians, local sports, and public servant bullshit issues.
We have been handed nothing but lies about the war, September 11th 2001, Katrina, the oil take over, the cell phone radiation, and the heroin deals this government has made over the past administration's takeover.
The body count has been astronomical, and the attention it gets is always in bits and pieces. Some focus on the war, some 9-11, some on the victims of Katrina and some on the edges of the reality that we are getting screwed big time.
Here we will focus on it all! No free rides and no hidden agendas. We want answers, we'll ask for them, we'll share them and we'll plead for them as well.
September 11th 2001 I think is a good place for me to start. So many people had died, and so many questions had risen from the flesh infested dust, yet we let it pass without as much as a legal commitment. Justice was blinded by headlines of anthrax, Eron, the Church and it's sex scandals and anything else the people were willing to let blind them.
Normally, here in New York, we take pride in how we approach a crime scene. We look at details and we piece together what could be the cause of the crime. But this crime, had no crime scene, no investigation, no evidence turned over to the DA's office. What we got was full line of bullshit, that people wanted to believe, for people to keep the faith, while all along, being lied to. Sometimes, a lie, can be swallowed and digested just so it will pass through us.
First with all crimes, we have to look at who had the means, the motive and the opportunity. Within that frame work most crime investigations are conducted. We never had that chance, that chance was taken away from us before September 11, 2001. Now, in 2007, the crime scene still sits with human ash and more people paying the price because of this ash. A crime that has been killing for over seven years, and yet we still have no investigation? What we have is a war, deflecting our deepest desire to ask a simple question. What really happened on September 11th 2001?