Thursday, October 18, 2007

Movie Review # 1

I'm gonna start reviewing movies that I have seen or will see. I always enjoy a good flick. My taste ranges from a good old comedy to cold blooded thrillers and whatever falls in between.
My first review is on a little know movie that was released in 1990 and till day still holds it emotional value.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Loosely based on real life events of Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer that was out on the loose with anywhere between 1 and 360 kills under his belt. The numbers are in question, but their are deaths non the less.
As a little side note:

Lucas' sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1998 by then-Governor George W. Bush. His was the only death penalty case among the 153 that came across Bush's desk in his tenure as Texas Governor in which he intervened and commuted the death sentence. Lucas died in prison of natural causes. Though Lucas' death seemed to have removed the possibility of resolution in many instances, there are still a number of unresolved or open questions. Some authorities — while admitting that Lucas tended to exaggerate his accounts and told some outright lies, and also recognizing that the Lucas Task Force engaged in some very questionable tactics — insist that Lucas was a viable suspect in a number of unsolved murders.
I guess birds of a feather...

The director John McNaughton, was at the time (1986) a young music video, that a Chicago based film producer invested in him to create a "B" level horror film.
McNaughton gave him Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.
Portraying Henry was a young Micheal Rooker, till this day, I have to wonder were are his awards.
The film is like a tutorial on how to go about murder everyday in every way. Little tidbits like "kill a different way, and there is no signature left behind" With no motive and no signature, you'd have to be an idiot to get caught. It is a cold and a nerve racking experience, to see through the eyes of a killer, to feel his emotion and to feel his lack of. Rooker, was casted perfectly for this part, and brings to the table a truth about a character you rarely see on screen.
Yet, you do not get a slasher movie here, nope you get a semi documentary, about the rules of the kill and the twisted mind of a killer.
See The Movie Trailer Here
Get The DVD Here
may ratings on this film out of 5 Fav's is

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Welcome To The News Maze

I opened this blog...
so I could get off my chest shit that racks my nerves in the news. Between the media, the politicians, local sports, and public servant bullshit issues.

We have been handed nothing but lies about the war, September 11th 2001, Katrina, the oil take over, the cell phone radiation, and the heroin deals this government has made over the past administration's takeover.

The body count has been astronomical, and the attention it gets is always in bits and pieces. Some focus on the war, some 9-11, some on the victims of Katrina and some on the edges of the reality that we are getting screwed big time.

Here we will focus on it all! No free rides and no hidden agendas. We want answers, we'll ask for them, we'll share them and we'll plead for them as well.

September 11th 2001 I think is a good place for me to start. So many people had died, and so many questions had risen from the flesh infested dust, yet we let it pass without as much as a legal commitment. Justice was blinded by headlines of anthrax, Eron, the Church and it's sex scandals and anything else the people were willing to let blind them.

Normally, here in New York, we take pride in how we approach a crime scene. We look at details and we piece together what could be the cause of the crime. But this crime, had no crime scene, no investigation, no evidence turned over to the DA's office. What we got was full line of bullshit, that people wanted to believe, for people to keep the faith, while all along, being lied to. Sometimes, a lie, can be swallowed and digested just so it will pass through us.

First with all crimes, we have to look at who had the means, the motive and the opportunity. Within that frame work most crime investigations are conducted. We never had that chance, that chance was taken away from us before September 11, 2001. Now, in 2007, the crime scene still sits with human ash and more people paying the price because of this ash. A crime that has been killing for over seven years, and yet we still have no investigation? What we have is a war, deflecting our deepest desire to ask a simple question. What really happened on September 11th 2001?