Fractal Enlightenment, A Blog Site Review.
Looking upon this blog, we find there is more than enough content to please most readers. It is not over whelmed by ads and widgets, so it loads in a timely manner and gets right to point.
The cons we find about the this blog is more visual than anything else.
First, the banner / header is blurry and the text gets lost with the background.
The second banner / header, why is that there, too many curved edges at the top of the page for our taste.
The 3 different colors off the trope background also presents a way too busy, busy, busy effect.
Suggestions are as follows.
Keep it simple, get yourself a clean looking banner, where the intro can be read. Content that is meant to be read needs to be read.
Match up your sidebars in color and keep the main body with the post light in color. Maybe take one of the colors you are dealing with and work around that.
Otherwise, you can see all of your work put into this blog, it would be a shame to lose visitors because the layout over rides the content.
There are many sections within this blog to catch the eye of many different tastes.
For us we tended towards "The Chill Out Zone"
Where there are cool images and other content about Optical Illusions.
Be sure to check this area out.
Fractal Enlightenment, A Blog Site Review.
The News Maze Crew
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fractal Enlightenment a Review
Posted by
6:45 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Google Adsense
What happened?
We used to do so well, and now it's just turning into wasted space.
Is it because there is an over kill of the service? Do people now realize it's just ads for other websites, or is it because they took away the beta test of target new so your visitors do not leave your website?
When asked to use this beta I was more than happy to do it, but now we can't? What is with that? Thanks for your time now screw you, we are off the ground now, no need for the little guys? I'd like to get into the Page Rank thingy and the listing positions themselves but I will hold onto that for another time.
Posted by
5:15 AM
H.R. 1955
H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
People are surprised by the actions of this administration. Where were they in the year 2000 when all of this was getting under way. When the takeover started?
The body count from Grandpa Bush to Daddy Bush to Jr Bush should be enough to raise those red flags amongst the people of our country, but sadly said, too many eyes turn away from lies in order not to face the truth.
Posted by
4:55 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
rss Hugger
Promote your blogs with the new rss Hugger website. The rss Hugger concept is to bring bloggers and blog visitors together through the power of rss feed and blogger websites.
The layout is easy to follow, with a casual look to make your experience smooth and easy. Sign up just takes a minuet and your ready to start promoting your blogs.
All that is asked to to write a review about their site on your blog. They will visit and check on your review, then when accepted they will contact you, so you can start promoting your blogs.
All in all it looks like a fine concept and should take off as a good resource to meet and share with other bloggers.
Check Them Out Here
Read More About Them Here
Posted by
6:34 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Kiva Helping Others
Some concepts to help other involve start up giving. So, involve teaching to let people help themselves. Then some do both. That is where Kiva comes in.
What is a Kiva
A Kiva is a web site that brings small business loans (micro loans) to 3rd world countries in order to help others help themselves.
The concept is quite simple and yet it has such a potent impact on the lives of others that they were on the Oprah Winfrey Show, has a place in Bill Clinton's book "Giving" and much more reach that you can see here on their Press Release Page
With the holidays approaching us, I thought that I would spread the word about such a cool program. I only wish that there was one for the US as well. Many people around the world are in need of help, and that does include the US. But, this is a great start.
How does it work
There a profiles of people who want to open their own business so they can feed and roof their families. You browse through the profiles and see who wants to do what. Then you can place a donation towards that person's business. You donate $25.00 and up. You stay updated on the progress and the loans are paid back (97% of 10 Million so far) and they go into your account so you help another.
So, if giving to others this season is on your menu, maybe instead giving away a coat or a toy give away the chance of survival. You may even know someone who need a loan to start a business in the third world, then direct them to their site so they can seek some help.
Here is a chance to make a person feel whole, and self serving, here is a chance to give away some pride.
Posted by
4:38 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Why I Love My Cell Phone, and NOT Yours
Common sense tells you that radiation and human tissue do not go well together. Extreme usage is a no brain way to become a dead brain. But, big money placed in the right places will tell the public different. Why, because the public wants to believe. Just like they believed in Bush and his Weapons of Mass Destruction, or the latest video release of Bin Laden bullshit.
If the problem is worse than we thought, expect the body count to start accumulating. When the party being accused, is to allowed to investigate themselves, the odds are, they will always end up a winner.
People are addicted to cell phones and are passing this same addiction on to their children.
The new age crack baby, yes I said crack, an addiction is an addiction and getting sucked into the "FAMILY PLAN" is putting your family at risk.
Guess what, you are to blame if anything happens to your kids, because you should know better.
But with all of that said, I want to point out some of the issues on a personal level.
Some of you may get offended, good!
We all know about those self center morons who march through the library yapping on their about nothing important. Or the mouth that just doesn't stop while pushing their shopping cart into the back of your legs. These people call it multi tasking, I call it doing two things at once, and guess what, you can't do it. Unless you consider invading some else's space OK. And most self serving, I myself, no one matters but me, and so on attitudes continue to act like ass wipes. There are other people in the world. Some people want to feel safe when they are on the road, or just don't give a crap about you and your friend Marge's night out the day before. Some of us would like you to take your cell phones and your crap attitudes and bury it deep inside your...
I love the soccer mom, who forgets she has six kids in the car and drives like she owns the road because she is busy sharing nasty little secrets about her neighbors.
No directional on turns, speed variations, blacking out when the light turns green etc. You know who you are and you are responsible for those around you when on the road, and even more so for those kids!
At every accident, the cell phone should be confiscated to see if it was talk time at the time of the accident. If so, you were basically breaking the law. You, should pay big time because it is no longer a accident.
Kids want to carry their phones to school so they can call their mommies, lol, yeah right. I have no problem with the phones in school, but there has to be rules. I think if each desk has a phone cradle on it, they put the phone in it so the teacher can have a visual. Ringers off, and if a call does come in from mommy, and it is important should have the right to quick answer. And, I don't mean a call to tell little Bobby to bring home milk.
Now, about me.
I love my cell phone because...
I am from Brooklyn, NY. I am loud when I want to be, a rough Bensonhurst guy with a bad attitude myself when people step on my toes. These days way too many people step on my toes, because they are distracted with their cell phones.
So one of the things I like to do is when someone in a store is dribbling useless crap ( and you know it is cause you always hear it ) I pull out my phone, shimmy up along side the people, and make believe I have a very important call as well. It goes something like
"HEY, LOUIE, IT'S ME VINNY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and so on, and the best is that the dumb SOB has the nerve to turn to me with a look like I am rude. Well, right back at you!
I love my cell phone because when I'm out for a few hours, I can callhome to my answering machine let my puppies here my voice that I'll be home soon.
I love my cell phone because My wife or daughter can call me from the road if they does need me.
I love my cell phone because I can pull over, and take out a menu and have my order ready when I get there.
I love my cell phone because of it technology, but I am also aware that is is additive and dangerous.
There will always be people out their with abusive personalties, and no manners. But giving them another reason to be both and release them amongst the public just ain't right.
All I have to say is...
for more information on cell phone issues visit us at
Posted by
6:18 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Foot Print Of Life
I really think this just shows us how much we are looking to enter this crazy world of ours.
The journey from intercourse through to the stage of birth is probably the most amazing aspect of being human.
I, myself can not remember that journey, but some say they do. If, your one of them feel free to share those early days with us.
In this day and age with all the technology we have developed, we get the chance to view the child before birth, and we have come to terms with getting to know our children while still within our bodies. Birth itself is always amazing, now we get to develop our kids before they even see the light of day.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Bloggers For Kindness
On December 17th 2007, bloggers from around the world will unite in some form of kindness. Be sure to take a few moments / minuets / hours to offer someone or some thing a kind act.
See the video posted on U Tube by Blog Catalog, and maybe get an idea or two from the people how offered their time to create it.
We will post the kindness offering from News Maze once we determine what it will be.
Feel free to leave comments and suggestions, remember it will benefit everyone around you in one way or another.
Posted by
5:37 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Win a Ipod Nano
Over at Blog of Browie
They are holding a simple contest to win a 4GB Ipod Nano or $100 via paypal.
All that is required to be entered is to
post a comment on this page
Or another option is to blog a post on your own blog to add another entry.
Like we just did ;-).
This contest ends November 15th, so get in there and get a chance to win!
Good Luck To All!
Posted by
4:32 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bye - Rod
So, Alex Rodriguez the wanna be Yankee finally showed to the world his true colors. Lie of Lemon. He knew full well he wasn't gonna stay here and put up his false poker face throughout the year. See yer', You may be missed from some, but most will not really care. Maybe head on back to Texas or even Seattle, but you just helped us more by leaving, than by staying.
Unless of course the new Yankee brash is full of crap also. With you gone there is now money free to pursue others players and options that will exceed your 50 homers, 100 and change RBI's and zero production during the playoffs.
As, I stated earlier, get Tory Hunter, package a deal for Santana and get a 3rd baseman that can just do his job.
We need the funds, for Mo, Posada and Abreu. Boras can shop your butt anywhere, and maybe take Giambi with you.
The winning Yankees didn't have A-Rods or Giambi's they had O'Neil, Tino and Bernie.
They had heart, not bling.
I like you as a ballplayer, but too much attention was wasted on a player who likes to sleep in October, so I say Bye - Rod.
Read More Here
Posted by
7:24 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What Is A Hacker
The image on your left was what I found last night on our forum and our main website. It's not the first time some inbreed has hacked us over the years. It will not be the last, I suppose. I felt compelled to get it off my chest today, and that I will.
Just a bit about us though.
We ( forum and website ) had joined the Swish community (less expensive form of Flash MX ) back in 1999 / 2000 cira.
Over those years our team has given away millions of free templates, FX effects, free hosting and a place for them to feel as part of a community.
I can't explain the amount of people who go out of their way to Screw Us.
I find it amazing how many mommy nipple suckers are out there with no life and feeling like a person that is whole by invading upon other people on the internet.
This is the main reason why I, personally have stopped helping people and passed the sites over to my partner Rosie. She has been pretty upset over the way of life that exists on the web.
Where I come from, and that is Bensonhurst, Brooklyn New York, little purse snatching weasels would be given a daily beating for these actions. The same would go for these little ( I love my mommy when she kisses me ) hackers. The hackers are the purse snatching thieves of the internet. Knocking down little old ladies, because they offer no threat to fight back ( well most of them anyway ). They are the ones who steal the software, the songs, the products, all because their little thimble brains makes them think that they are big and bad.
Look at me, I can invade a strangers privacy, but I am to afraid to go out into public, because the big bad world will devour me.
So here I am with a hacked website that I depend upon to bring me some nickels and dimes to put food on my table, by someone, who has probably done nothing but take and take our free stuff. Not enough stuff, so WTF, hack them. Steal what you can't get for free. My mommy puts me in the closet when I am bad, but she will never know the rampage I create on the internet. She will never understand whole smart and slick I am.
It's so sad that these inbreed weasels really think like that, when in truth the world now knows about you. You spread yourselves across the web and we all see you for what you are.
So, in closing I would like to offer anyone of you who seems to have it out for the folks that surf the web. If you could let go of your mommies nipple long enough, any time you want, one on one you and me.
Posted by
5:59 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Torre Quits
He was offered 5 million for the season, another 1 million for the 1st round, 1 million for the Championship and 1 million for the World Series.
Do the job and you got a million raise.
With all the contracts the Yankees need to fill, he could have dealt with that contract, and they gave him a 2009 option to boot.
Greed knows all, I guess, or was it that someone had said?
If I remember right, when he came here in 1996, he knew where he was going.
This is the New York Yankees. Win or goodbye. He gave us a great run no doubt, but to turn down 5 million, to leave the team now with all the changes due, well that is crap.
If the Boss fires him, that's one thing, it is the bosses team and not Torre's, as much as he'd like to think it is.
As I had mentioned in a prior post, losing in 2001 was the worst thing he could do.
This ranks a close second.
Posted by
5:07 PM
Movie Review # 1
I'm gonna start reviewing movies that I have seen or will see. I always enjoy a good flick. My taste ranges from a good old comedy to cold blooded thrillers and whatever falls in between.
My first review is on a little know movie that was released in 1990 and till day still holds it emotional value.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Loosely based on real life events of Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer that was out on the loose with anywhere between 1 and 360 kills under his belt. The numbers are in question, but their are deaths non the less.
As a little side note:
Lucas' sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1998 by then-Governor George W. Bush. His was the only death penalty case among the 153 that came across Bush's desk in his tenure as Texas Governor in which he intervened and commuted the death sentence. Lucas died in prison of natural causes. Though Lucas' death seemed to have removed the possibility of resolution in many instances, there are still a number of unresolved or open questions. Some authorities — while admitting that Lucas tended to exaggerate his accounts and told some outright lies, and also recognizing that the Lucas Task Force engaged in some very questionable tactics — insist that Lucas was a viable suspect in a number of unsolved murders.
I guess birds of a feather...
The director John McNaughton, was at the time (1986) a young music video, that a Chicago based film producer invested in him to create a "B" level horror film.
McNaughton gave him Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.
Portraying Henry was a young Micheal Rooker, till this day, I have to wonder were are his awards.
The film is like a tutorial on how to go about murder everyday in every way. Little tidbits like "kill a different way, and there is no signature left behind" With no motive and no signature, you'd have to be an idiot to get caught. It is a cold and a nerve racking experience, to see through the eyes of a killer, to feel his emotion and to feel his lack of. Rooker, was casted perfectly for this part, and brings to the table a truth about a character you rarely see on screen.
Yet, you do not get a slasher movie here, nope you get a semi documentary, about the rules of the kill and the twisted mind of a killer.
See The Movie Trailer Here
Get The DVD Here
may ratings on this film out of 5 Fav's is




Posted by
6:06 AM
New Toy Recall
I remember when we were kids, we have dirt ball fights, or play throw your buddy down the steps. Then as we got older, it was games like stoop ball, or fox and hounds, and then it was sports.
We used to go to the parks for the swings and the slides but in this day and age things seem to get out of hand with over seas companies building toys for the kids.
This one I rate an Ouch!

Posted by
5:32 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy
I am still confused about what Rudy Giuliani did on September 11th.
Check Out Rudy Watcher
The families of the firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11 deserve answers to these questions. The Real calls on a full, public investigation to uncover the facts behind the Giuliani administration's failure to equip the New York Fire Department with radios that could have saved the lives of first responders on 9/11.
Sign the Petition
Posted by
1:04 PM
Mercenary at Work
Six-Figure Bonuses Retain US Commandos
People are surprised? They are their to protect the interest of the big business investments, while the kids in the military protect them for nickels and dimes. And then get treated like crap if and when they come with limbs missing.
- The Pentagon has paid more than $100 million in bonuses to veteran Green Berets and Navy SEALs, reversing the flow of top commandos to the corporate world where security companies such as Blackwater USA are offering big salaries.
The retention effort, started nearly three years ago and overseen by U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., has helped preserve a small but elite group of enlisted troops with vast experience fighting the unconventional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Defense Department statistics.
Overall, more than 1,200 of the military most specialized personnel near or already eligible for retirement have opted for payments of up to $150,000 in return for staying in uniform several more years.
The numbers gathered by The Associated Press and other Pentagon research indicate there has not been an extended exodus of commandos to private security companies and other businesses that value their talents.
``Back in 2005, we saw quite a few exits,'' said Rear Adm. Michael LeFever, director of the Navy's military personnel plans and policy division. ``What we're seeing lately is just the opposite. We've become very aggressive.''
Defense Secretary Robert Gates remains so concerned over the lure of high salaries in the private sector that he has directed Pentagon lawyers to explore putting no-compete clauses into contracts with security companies that would limit their recruiting abilities.
Read More Here
also get a better idea what a mercenary is
Posted by
11:56 AM
NY Yankees
Enough time has passed since my 2007 disappointment from a team that I have been following since the early 1960's.
Too many things went wrong with this team, ever since the 8th inning of game 7 of the 2001 World Series.
The most important series New York ever needed to win, after all the dynamic comebacks at the stadium, and a bad loss in day 6, we needed to have that team come back to New York with the title. But, it was not to be. With most of his pitchers at his disposal, Torre elected to pitch Mario for 2, when he should have used everyone else to get those 3 outs in the 8th. With Mario in for just the 9th, he could have pumped, instead of paced himself. What would of happened? Who knows, but it was truly the way to go.
It's now another empty fall, a team with so much talent, and they are sitting around wondering about their jobs. Some changes have to made, some issues resolved and some winning to be done.
The A-Rod factor - First let me say, I love A-Rod. What I don't like is his cat and mouse game with his option this year. You want to be remembered as a Yankee, then this should have been settled and not an issue now. He wants to lock into the big bucks, fine, but that should have been worked out and this time of the year we would be more focused on Jorge, Mario, pitching and youth.
Let him go, Sign Tory Hunter, work out a package for Santana, (Rasner, Karstens and DeSalvo as an example ) sign them both for 5 years. Move Melky over to right, do not pick up Abreu's option and leave Damon in left. Outfield, done. With Matsui and Duncan as DH and outfield back ups.
Giambi, why he was ever brought her in favor of Tino, I'll never know, but since he has been here we have not had a team, of teammates. Trade to Toronto for Glaus and eat some of Giambi's contract. Use Phillips and Mientkiewicz at first. Infield done.
Rotation of Santana, Pettitte, Hughs, Wang and Kennedy should do very well.
Resign Mario, Jorge and Molina.
Leave Joba in pen to develop with Veras, Ohlendorf, Mussina and Farnsworth.
On the bench
Betemit and Sardinha
11 Pitchers and 14 everyday players that will fill out the 25 man roster.
If we go with 12 pitchers, then bring in Igawa.
We got younger, stronger and more exciting so we can close down the doors at the stadium at the end of 2008 and open up the doors to the new stadium in 2009.
As far as Torre goes, either with him or without, I am more concerned about what is put on the field.NY Yankees
Posted by
6:34 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
No End in Sight
The U.S. mission in Iraq is a ``nightmare with no end in sight'' because of political misjudgments after the fall of Saddam Hussein that continue today, a former chief of U.S.-led forces said Friday.
Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, who commanded coalition troops for a year beginning June 2003, cast a wide net of blame for both political and military shortcomings in Iraq that helped open the way for the insurgency - such as disbanding the Saddam-era military and failing to cement ties with tribal leaders and quickly establish civilian government after Saddam was toppled.
He called current strategies - including the deployment of 30,000 additional forces earlier this year - a ``desperate attempt'' to make up for years of misguided policies in Iraq.
``There is no question that America is living a nightmare with no end in sight,'' Sanchez told a group of journalists covering military affairs.
Read More Here
And, this is news? We are getting this bit of information why? Do people really want to believe the hell we have been going through since 2000, the lies, the fuck you attitude from the white house, while the rest of world lets it go on as well.
We're stuck, we've been stuck ever since the day of the chads. Ever since daddy lost to Bill. It wasn't supposed to take them this long to start building their empire, but because daddy forgot to take care of this side of his world, he lost. While Jr, was executing anyone he could in Texas, a plan had to be put into place, to take back control and boy did they do that in a big way.
We, the people let it happen and keep letting happen, we can only blame ourselves for being so short sighted that a simple media change in affairs, makes us forget what the real storyline has been since 2001.
Posted by
4:03 AM
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition defined as recurrent episodes of significant disturbance in mood. These disturbances can occur on a spectrum that ranges from debilitating depression to unbridled mania. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder typically experience fluid states of mania, hypo mania or what is referred to as a mixed state in conjunction with depressive episodes. These clinical states typically alternate with a normal range of mood. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II and cyclothymia, with both bipolar I and bipolar II potentially presenting with rapid cycling.
Also called bipolar affective disorder until recently, the current name is of fairly recent origin and refers to the cycling between high and low episodes; it has replaced the older term manic-depressive illness coined by Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) in the late nineteenth century. The new term is designed to be neutral, to avoid the stigma in the non-mental health community that comes from conflating "manic" and "depression."
Back in 1981, my diagnosis was personality disorder. It's cure 400 milligrams of Mellaril per day which is a basically Thioridazine ( Mellaril ) which is a is an anti psychotic drug of low-potency. Used in the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. Also used to help treat false perceptions.
The drug handcuffed the mind and your aggression. It took away the will to be a free thinker, even if your thinking was in a good frame of mind. It also causes dry orgasms and that in itself is very depressing. I walked through my daily routine like a low budget zombie, with only 2 urges, coffee and cigarettes. Being from Brooklyn, NY and being from the streets of Brooklyn, NY this was a handicap I couldn't afford. So, needless to say I stopped taking Mellaril and tried to get on with my life.
Things were not very easy in any sense of the word, but at least I had the control of my actions some of the times. But, not all, and you wonder to yourself, why does my mind work like this? I look at people who are blind, or in a wheelchair or with any other disability and wonder why they can function in society and I can't.
Over the years I indulged in other kinds of treatments, but, it all did the same thing, a state of mind that was willing but not able. Self medication has been with me since I was 12 years old, and at times it went way out of control. Life had lost it's value at points in which I hate to look back on. Love and family was lost forever. And, yet I was still there?
Waking up is like flipping a coin, and even with the coin with a favorable toss, a trigger was always out there to grip me and pull me back in.
As it is now, just writing about this illness, that none would know from looking at me, puts me at the bottom of the handicap zone.
Posted by
3:34 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fire Fighters Denied
The Commission would not let the fire fighters testify before the Commission. Maybe they didn't want testimony like this presented to the public as fact.
Open Video Here
Posted by
7:43 PM
9-11 Commision:
Besides the refusal by the Bush Administration to go under oath or even in public there are many other conflicts of interest that defied the families of the fallen on September 11th, 2001
Some members of victims' families have claimed that the commission has numerous conflicts of interest. 9/11 Citizens Watch, in particular, called for the resignation of Philip D. Zelikow, the executive staff director. Zelikow is a Bush-appointee who served on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. He spent three years on the President George H. W. Bush's National Security Council. Zelikow worked closely with Bush NSC adviser Condoleezza Rice and even co-wrote a book with her. Some worry that Zelikow may be using his power to deflect blame from himself and to protect Rice. Both the Family Steering Committee and 9-11 Citizens Watch demanded his resignation, without success. (Philip D. Zelikow).
In addition, many members had ties which could be viewed as conflicts of interest.
Read More Here
Posted by
7:34 PM
No Smoke Cell Phone
NEW YORK (Reuters) - For millions of smokers itching to quit, new Web-based technologies are promising to stand by you like a close friend through those dark days of stress and withdrawal.
Internet sites and discussion forums dedicated to kicking the nicotine habit have been around for more than a decade.
Now they are following smokers to their cell phones, social networks and anywhere else to remind them that it's not worth lighting up.
Read More Here
Posted by
5:11 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Loose Change Bandit
Some a-hole here on Staten Island, NY has a fetish for stealing loose change. A nickel and dime bandit, lol.
The other night at my friends bagel shop, someone broke in though the basement and took $150 in change from the register. But, leaving behind $600 in bills?
Just an hour ago, I was walking my dogs and noticed my car door ajar, the only thing missing was the loose change I had in the glove compartment and coffee holder, radio was there, but change was gone.
I find it hard to believe that some idiot would risk, limb for loose change, but it takes all kinds I guess. I'm gonna crazy glue some quarters around the area and see if I catch someone desperately trying to retrieve them from the ground.
Posted by
6:38 AM
Students Shot
CLEVELAND, Oct. 10 — Disgruntled about having been suspended on Monday after a fight, a 14-year-old student shot and injured two students and two teachers at a downtown Cleveland high school on Wednesday before fatally shooting himself, the authorities said.
None of the victims’ injuries were considered life-threatening.
The gunman was identified as Asa H. Coon, a freshman at the school, SuccessTech Academy.
Read More Here
I just don't know why people have to blame, accuse and take action on others because of their short comings. We see too many people trying to blame others when they screw up in their lives. Take responsibility for your actions, it's not so hard, to stand up and be counted a man / woman.
Posted by
5:47 AM
Tech News
MojoPac Freedom
MojoPac is a technology that transforms your iPod or USB Hard Drive or
Flash drive into a portable and private PC. Just install MojoPac on
any USB 2.0 compliant storage device, upload your applications and
files, modify your user settings and environment preferences, and take
it with you everywhere.
Version: 1.0
Price: Free
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Download it at PC World
Posted by
5:09 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Idiot News
Everyday in the news there are idiots that do some of the dumbest things, things that just can't be explained why in terms of common sense.
I will be using this post to add such news.
First lets start with the IDIOT grandmother who was using her 1 year old granddaughter to shop lift with here toy baby carriage.
See news video here
How frigging dumb or desperate could someone be to us a child for their crimes?.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Cell Phone Poison
Prior to 1996, the wireless age was not coming online fast enough, primarily because communities had the authority to block the siting of cell towers. But the Federal Communications Act of 1996 made it nearly impossible for communities to stop construction of cell towers "even if they pose threats to public health and the environment. Since the decision to enter the age of wireless convenience was politically determined for us, we have forgotten well-documented safety and environmental concerns and, with a devil-may-care zeal that is lethally short-sighted, we have incorporated into our lives every wireless toy that comes on the market. We behave as if we are addicted to radiation. Our addiction to cell phones has led to harder "drugs" like wireless Internet. And now we are bathing in the radiation that our wireless enthusiasm has unleashed. Those who are addicted, uninformed, corporately biased and politically-influenced may dismiss our scientifically-sound concerns about the apocalyptic hazards of wireless radiation. But we must not. Instead, we must sound the alarm.
Read More Here
Recently, researchers from the Orbero University in Sweden led by Professor Kjell Mild have suggested that young children may be at risk for brain cancer when using cell phones because of their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems. The study also suggests that 10 years is the minimum period needed by cancers to develop, which would warrant more research at this time when a large number of the population has been using cell phones for a long time.
Read More Here
Posted by
7:32 AM
Welcome To The News Maze
so I could get off my chest shit that racks my nerves in the news. Between the media, the politicians, local sports, and public servant bullshit issues.
We have been handed nothing but lies about the war, September 11th 2001, Katrina, the oil take over, the cell phone radiation, and the heroin deals this government has made over the past administration's takeover.
The body count has been astronomical, and the attention it gets is always in bits and pieces. Some focus on the war, some 9-11, some on the victims of Katrina and some on the edges of the reality that we are getting screwed big time.
Here we will focus on it all! No free rides and no hidden agendas. We want answers, we'll ask for them, we'll share them and we'll plead for them as well.
September 11th 2001 I think is a good place for me to start. So many people had died, and so many questions had risen from the flesh infested dust, yet we let it pass without as much as a legal commitment. Justice was blinded by headlines of anthrax, Eron, the Church and it's sex scandals and anything else the people were willing to let blind them.
Normally, here in New York, we take pride in how we approach a crime scene. We look at details and we piece together what could be the cause of the crime. But this crime, had no crime scene, no investigation, no evidence turned over to the DA's office. What we got was full line of bullshit, that people wanted to believe, for people to keep the faith, while all along, being lied to. Sometimes, a lie, can be swallowed and digested just so it will pass through us.
First with all crimes, we have to look at who had the means, the motive and the opportunity. Within that frame work most crime investigations are conducted. We never had that chance, that chance was taken away from us before September 11, 2001. Now, in 2007, the crime scene still sits with human ash and more people paying the price because of this ash. A crime that has been killing for over seven years, and yet we still have no investigation? What we have is a war, deflecting our deepest desire to ask a simple question. What really happened on September 11th 2001?